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Christmas Miracle

in Barcelona, Madrid & Basque Country

27. Stadt: Barcelona, Spanien. 

Das Miracle-Team machte sich auf den Weg von Paris und erreichte nach einer anstrengenden 12-stündigen Busreise am 2. Dezember schließlich Barcelona. Trotz der Erschöpfung durch die lange Reise wurden sie von einem warmen Wetter und strahlendem Sonnenschein begrüßt.


The sold-out seats quickly filled with an enthusiastic audience. The show began with energetic K-POP dances, followed by the Leuchter Stars' festive Carol dances. The Jung brothers thrilled the audience with their performances of Spanish songs such as 'La Gloria de Dios' and 'Eres tu'.


On July 7th, the 140th anniversary of the German-Korean relationship was celebrated. “Korea Day” was held at the Hohe Landesschule in Hanau by the non-profit organization “Ichhaltedich”. "Korea Day" is a cultural exchange program that, among other things, presents Korean culture, history and society. Students and parents learned more about Korean culture through various workshops and a Korean pop music concert.

28th City: Madrid, Spain. ​



After another 6 hour bus ride, the Miracle team's journey took them to Madrid, where they were greeted by a cool morning. 30 minutes before the show started, people were excitedly waiting to get in in the lobby.


When the curtain rose, the audience poured into the hall like water, and those without seats found a place to stand in the hallway. The faces of the excited children and the joy of the families added to the festive atmosphere.


The audience laughed and cheered at every turn in Anna's story. After an impressive second act, the audience stood to express their appreciation with sustained applause and cheers. Singing 'Silent Night, Holy Night' together in Spanish created a warm connection between artists and audience.


29th Stadt: Baskenland, Spanien. 

In Pais Vasco, the Miracle team was recognized by the University of Ermua for its social and charitable cultural activities. The university provided the auditorium free of charge, resulting in another successful and meaningful performance for the team.

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